Team: Werner Aisslinger
Producer: Villa Massimo
Coming decades will be marked by man’s competing with the growing quality of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Having originally been no more than a tool to optimize technology made and controlled by humans, AI has developed into a more and more efficient substitution for ›natural intelligence‹. We are thus facing the question: which quality, which power and skill will assure man’s irreplacable, unique position also for the future? Werner Aisslinger’s installation »incubator island« is a materially built hypothesis, a layered island, which on its different levels makes three irreplacable qualities of human civilization sensually accessible.
History: the ability to learn from history and turn it into a part of civilizing evolution seems to be a possibility unique to humans. Could AI ever create a new age from the amazing architecture the ancients left us with? Could it turn wars and revolutions productive for a peaceful future?
Collective Intelligence: The horizontal network of ideas, thoughts and minds is what we may call collective or swarm intelligence. Languages, religions, and regional mentalities boost a nonlinear creativity coming out of chaos, improvisation and community. Can AI, can the central processing unit of computers allow for such seemingly inefficient creativity?
Care: Caring for future generations, for the lifes of our children and grand children makes part of man’s DNA. Living not just on the earth, but from and out of its soil is thematized on »Incubator Island’s« lowest level. Would a robot ever worry about species extinction or the preservation of general living conditions?